
West Bend, US

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Chix 4 a Cause

About us

Chix 4 a Cause, Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides short-term support for southeastern Wisconsin residents battling cancer. We provide assistance to cancer patients from the point of diagnosis through the course of treatment. It is during this period that many individuals and their families require the most attention and help emotionally and monetarily.

For over 20 years, Chix 4 a Cause has provided in excess of $500,000 to people battling cancer. These services, called "Gifts of Love," help improve the emotional well-being of individuals. Coupled with monetary assistance to pay for such things as rent, utilities, transportation and food, Gifts of Love can go a long way toward improving a patient’s quality of life at a time when they need help not only due to mounting medical bills, but also as they struggle with the realities of a cancer diagnosis.

Gifts of Love recipients are men, women or children who are battling cancer in Milwaukee County and surrounding areas. We realize that most of these individuals need support not only for themselves, but for their entire family. The Gifts we provide allow them a little peace of mind and time to heal, while undergoing the physical and emotional stresses of cancer treatment.

Our Gifts of Love recipients often tell us it is not always monetary support that is essential, but learning about and utilizing resources that can assist them with the emotional aspects of their journey. Life does not stop when a battle with cancer begins. In addition to the emotional ramifications, a cancer diagnosis brings medical appointments, tests, surgeries, treatments,side effects, and checkups that monopolize a lot of time. A person with cancer must still go to a job, pay bills, care for children and other family members, take care of a home, and live life.