
Ottawa, CA

Charity registration number

83454 0882 RR0001

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Canadian Cancer Survivor Network

About us

The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network is a five and a half-year old fast-growing organization working with cancer patients and survivors to learn about health system complexities, connect with others to plan action, and act to promote best care, healthier survivorship and a place for the patient voice in healthcare systems decision-making.

The Canadian Cancer Survivor Network works to ensure that:

Patients and survivors will easily access tools to understand decision making processes for positive change on issues critical to optimal patient care.

Patients and survivors will be supported to make a difference through working with others to take action on those issues.

Patients and survivors will obtain current knowledge about cancer treatment, options, and outcomes and be able to work together to end disparities in patient care and treatment.

A network of patients, survivors, friends, families, community partners and sponsors will work together taking action to promote the very best standard of care, support, follow up and quality of life for patients and survivors.