Take Pictures of our Fun and Cool Merchandise and Help us Fund Research!

What needs to get done

We need a photographer who can find models and take really great pictures of them wearing our apparel. We also would like pictures of some of the other products that we sell without models.

We have about 10-20 products that we need photographed.

How your contribution will help

These photos significantly enhance our ability to sell these products. 100% of the profit from these sales goes towards funding the Side-Out Protocol which will change the way that we treat breast cancer.

What you will get out of it

We don't mind investing some dollars into the project but we are trying to find someone who is invested in this cause and would be willing to do the work pro bono. The research that you would be supporting is really game-changing and your support will impact

We would also be willing to put your logos or contact info as a sponsor or supporter throughout our website and also give you a shout out via our social media channels to see if we can drum up some business for you!

About The Side-Out Foundation

Fairfax, US

Skill needed


Application deadline

Jun 30, 2016 @ 8:59 pm



Hours needed