2017 Conference promo (video)

What needs to get done

We have photos, video clips, VHS clips and some audio that could be combined to produce a fun promo piece for our upcoming 11th Annual Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Cancer Therapies conference. Video running time: 3 minutes or so.

How your contribution will help

We don't have anyone able to put together the various elements and create a short clip that will be uploaded to YouTube, used on our website, added to our e-newsletter and shown on Facebook and Twitter. It is meant to introduce our 11th conference to an interested audience.

We hope it will also generate some donations and we like to end it with a request for same.

What you will get out of it

Exposure to a wide audience (your name and identifying company (if you have one) may be shown at the end.

Satisfaction for a permanent spot on YouTube, etc.

Gratitude of folks with cancer who find out about our ongoing annual event.

Our deep thanks.

About Annie Appleseed Project

Delray Beach, US

Skill needed

Media Production

Application deadline

Oct 14, 2016 @ 8:59 pm



Hours needed