Help pre-, during, and post event: Cancer Lifeline Holiday Celebration and Pot Luck
What needs to get done
Cancer Lifeline puts on a yearly holiday celebration. This year it is Saturday, December 3, from 12 to 3 pm at the Dorothy O'Brien Center. About 65 to 75 cancer patients, survivors, family, friends and staff attend. Need help from about 11amsetting up room, welcoming people, directing where to place pot luck offerings, help with take down. Could use 2 to 3 people
How your contribution will help
Cancer Lifeline has a very small staff that provides free of charge education and support services to anyone touched by a cancer diagnosis. Additional caring hands are a "Mitzvah" a blessing. It would also allow the staff to interact a bit more with participants.
What you will get out of it
This is a very joyous and anticipated event. There's good food, great entertainment, and a rich community atmosphere. Many people who come live alone and really look forward to sharing a meal and connecting with others. The warm feeling is contagious.