Accepting applications

Press Release Template(s) for Testicular Cancer Month

What needs to get done

We would like to develop a press release template(s) for April's Testicular Cancer Awareness Month that can be used to send to physician practices and medical facilities to encourage them to work in concert with our organization to promote awareness about the disease and the need for monthly testicular self-exams.

With your help other targets may also be identified for additional templates.

How your contribution will help

By having a set template we can forward it to our health care contacts and encourage them to issue the release with minimal work on their part, thus increasing the likelihood of them doing so.

What you will get out of it

The volunteer, by helping us raise awareness can literally help save lives.

Testicular cancer can truly be cured with awareness as it is almost 100% curable if caught and treated at stage I. However, lack of knowledge about the disease leads to late diagnosis, higher treatment burdens and unfortunate deaths.

About Testicular Cancer Society

Cincinnati, US

Skill needed

Public Relations



Hours needed

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