Accepting applications
Race for Life Schools Coordinator
What needs to get done
Do you know a school near you that would love to support Cancer Research UK?
With help from your local relationship manager, you’ll be supporting schools in your local area to:
Plan and co-ordinate their very own Race for Life - letting them know how amazing it can be!
Create a presentation or assembly to tell the children about Cancer Research UK and the impact of our fundraising.
Order their fundraising materials and discuss tips and ideas so they can run a brilliant event!
How your contribution will help
Be there on the day to support your local school and get involved with a smile on your face!
There are plenty of other opportunities to fundraise such as organising a bake sale or dunking a favourite teacher. This is a great way to show the next generation how fun fundraising can be!
Be ready to cheer on participants and celebrate with them at the finish line by handing out those medals.
What you will get out of it
We want you to feel comfortable and confident in this role, so you'll have the support of a local relationship manager at every step. Once all your recruitment checks have been completed, they'll arrange an initial call with you and will be there to chat through any questions you have.
You'll be given a free event kit that you can issue to schools so they have everything they need to plan a successful Race for Life event.
About Cancer Research UK