
New York , US

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DES Action

About us

DES Action identifies, educates, advocates and empowers the approximately 5 women who were exposed to the drug DES during pregnancy in the 1940s, 50s, 60s and early 1970s. As a synthetic hormone and endocrine disruptor, it caused a spectrum of health challenges in the mothers, children and grandchildren of the mothers. It caused increased incidences of breast cancer in the mothers and caused a rare vaginal cancer in some of the daughters. The daughters are also at increased risk of breast cancer, infertility, endometriosis and other issues still being discovered. The sons are at risk of cysts, microphallus, testicular cancer and prostate cancer (among other damages). The grandchildren are being studied.

DES Action offers information about DES for anyone interested and is a member organization helping the DES-exposed with access to research, news and community.